Well, it had to hit me again. I had to play around in Isya once more, gettin my Mage groove back. After some pep talk with Wolf_Clan master Damien14, I've decided to stay on a bit longer. This time, not be in so much of a hurry to reach 100.
The thing is that both of us are past the halfway mark, Damien being 93 and I'm still 68. Yet, it's still like Thadon, Duke of Mania said about Felldew (Elder Scrolls: Shivering Isles for those unaware), craving the next fix, wanting and hating it at the same time, then hating yourself for all of it (if I'm right). That is, I'd like to quit and delete Soulrider1 to indicate I'm through, but don't wanna do so since I've to start all over to get to where I'm at now. Long story short, I'll keep playing the game, but not as much as I had. I've already made my goal of reaching Enchanter before my b-day and I'll leave the rest to time and patience. I'm no longer in any hurry to reach 100 since the exp. increases insanely more each level.
Anyway, like the post title says, I'll try to not look at it as how far I've to go, but how far I'd gone. Good fight, good night!